Friday 22 June 2012

Closest Girlfriends...

Dedicated to my closest girlfriends...I love you all!

Okay,the time now is 1229h. I'm currently doing some research on media ethics and nothing seems to be coming through...#frustration! So I decide to let my highly imaginative mind wander a "little" bit. Going to my archived photos, I see awesome crazy pics of my friends, family and I. And the walk down memory lane begins...

Enter FNN. She's one amazing, absolutely hilarious and loyal friend. Besides being two years my junior, she's the one person outside my family I've known the longest. I'm not talking months but since the mid-nineties ('96 I think?) She's more like the younger sister I never had, and our strong friendship actually cemented the relationship between my parents and hers. Almost all my childhood photos have both of us together somewhere therein, and boy, do I miss those days! The events I'll forever cherish were the birthdays, swimming outings, and the day we sang at her uncle's wedding. I'm feeling tempted to post some incredibly incriminating pics...hmmm, I'll decide. All in all, the main attributes I learn from FNN are: her ever cheerful personality, good taste in fashion (ten nil hapo), her deep love for God and loyalty as a friend. Even though we're all grown up now, the friendship is still rife and I thank God for her everyday!

Then there's SNM. Also goes by the name bff... We met in high school, the one with the flyover just near city center? Right! You must have figured it's alias is Pangoe. We were never really that close, despite sharing a class (though we did talk quite a bit). However, as soon as we stepped out of the prison gates and smelled the air of freedom (kidding!), the connection just seemed to grow exponentially with each passing day. Within no time, we were always hanging out together like conjoined twins and loving every moment of our youth. Even when Mr.Man came, swept yours truly off her feet, then subsequently broke her heart, SNN came to my rescue, wiped them tears off my visage (haven't used that word since Std.8) and proved to me that she would always be there for me. And we've both had a couple of them Mr.Men, but the friendship still stands very much unfazed - despite the distance. We have had so many memorable moments together and have seen each other through the best and worst of life. I definitely adore the sleepovers; characterized by hours and hours of endless stories, laughter and tears. And how coincidental is it that we are both studying PR and print media?! I could go on and on but all I can say is that I admire SNM's positive outlook towards life, outgoing personality, blondness (*ahem* It's mutual), undying friendship and honesty...yup, she will tell you the truth whether you like it or not. We definitely need more SNM's around!

Next, we have SKM. We also met in the blue institution, and she is known by many as my "school mum." I've got to admit that the first time I met her, I really liked her. Her tone of voice however, commands respect and many view her as being too tough and serious. We also did get along quite well. She oriented me into high school life. We did have fights tantamount to the infamous world wars. Thank God they were very short lived and soon as we made up, we would laugh about it like it was nothing. I miss the days when we were roommates; more so bunkies... I remember the year '08 was the worst I've ever had in my entire twenty years on this earth. Everything seemed to be going downhill in my life; spiritually, emotionally, academically, health wise- I was really sick. Nevertheless, SKM was there for me through it all, even when I faced opposition from the entire school as a C.U. official. Life was tough, but I remember SKM was always there to listen to me cry and pour my heart out. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes... Up until this day, SKM and I still share a bond so unique and I love her patience, honesty (she speaks her mind clearly, no doubt!) and her unparalleled wisdom. Period.

Moving on, GS comes into the picture. Another friend I met in prison... (it sounds funny in my head!)Right from the moment we stepped into the institution smelling like we'd robbed school outfitters, GS and I clicked. She's one of a strong character and this greatly put many off. We both shared a passion for words- writing and poetry. Singer, actress, poet? fits her description wholly. We shared a prison cell (classroom,haha) and had many mutual friends. During our 4-year sentence at the institution, we had many high and low times. The lows were definitely more than the highs but glad it's all in the past. I must admit that at some point our friendship underwent a rough (very) patch and I wasn't exactly the best friend to her. GS's resilience however was something that made me realize that true friendship takes work, commitment and sacrifice and no one can destroy your friendship unless you let them. GS is one who had to endure me ranting and raving about my endless high school crushes (I can't believe I said some things) and we did have lotsa boy talk, shared our thoughts, dreams and fears. I guess it's these little things that saw us through the tough sentence till the day we tasted freedom. It was pretty cool hanging out with GS and the girls the other day. I was reminded of her artistic self (even in dressing,eish!), her humor which is on a class of it's own, reliability and encouraging spirit. You rock GS!

Finally, there's CNN. I could write a book about her. Where to start?! from the beginning, duuh! Okay, here goes...we met in August 2010, at the gates of paradise (Campus) when we were as fresh as the greens in Gakoromone Market (Meru town, haha), maybe that's why they called us freshmen :) How did we get to know each other, you may ask? Well, we were in the same orientation group and that's how we got around to talking. From then on, we turned out to be bosom buddies till this day. Fast forward to the past few months, we ended up sharing a presidential suite(room) and many interesting experiences as well. CNN is the one person I'll forever give mad respect, for enduring my endless outbursts of annoying mood swings and emotional roller coasters. Most were extended to her (unconsciously of course) as a result of the stress caused to yours truly by one Mr. X. However, she was always there for me and lent a helping hand even without me asking. One thing about CNN I'll forever appreciate was the way she extended her support for me during the period I lost both my grandparents, especially during my birthday period. On top of all that, she is one mature, self-respecting and God-fearing lady, with a maturity so rare in young people today. CNN is an amazing friend who never fails to keep me in check and is one of the few people that accept correction and is tremendously slow to judge. Memorable moments? They are numerous, but the Dalafe dinner has got to be the best so far. One more thing? She is smart and easily reads between the lines. Mad love CNN!

So, there you have it. A little appreciation for my closest and most influential girlfriends. All of whom I love, respect and appreciate so dearly.
The time is now 1409h and my tummy is making so much noise, it's almost echoing in the entire library. I've got to go devour that scrumptious spaghetti I made last night...yummy!!

Have a delightful weekend!

A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down - Arnold H. Glasgow

Friday 15 June 2012

A sinner's simple prayer

"Here I am again dear Lord, I'm calling on your name, I've done this many times before but this time it's not the same...I only came to say, I love you Lord..."

A prayer I've made so many times yet I keep finding myself descending my self-made bottomless pit. It's like I'm searching for something to fill this void in the life of me...And I keep running away from you, yet you always catch up with me. I acknowledge Lord, that nothing or no-one can replace your place in my life. I'm sorry, very sorry and ashamed for this sin that so easily entangles. I don't care about "having-fun-the worldly way" anymore. All I wanna do is serve you in the life you'll call me to. True, being your child calls for sacrifice, self-denial and total obedience to you. Not many envy this lifestyle, but Lord? I choose your way. I'm tired of living recklessly and feeling all empty inside, furthermore, without you.
As I utter these words in all humility, I am beginning to experience a calm wave and peace wash over my mind, heart, body and soul- something I've been longing for all my life. Material things, books, treasures-all these are meaningless. Only you can sustain my life. I now surrender my all to you.

"Take my life and let it be,
consecrated Lord to thee,
Take my moments and my praise
let them flow in ceaseless praise..."

From this day on Lord, I give myself wholly and completely to you. My thoughts, my feelings, my desires, my emotions, my will, my energies, my passions_ my EVERYTHING.
All I need is you Lord. Come and make my heart your home; and Lord? help me hold on to you ALWAYS. Saturate my soul and mind dear Lord, help me be sensitive to your spirit and do your will all the days of my life.


From your loving daughter/son________

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Life oh life...

Well,well, well,it's been quite a while since I penned something down. The recent past has been rather turbulent for me...spiritually, mentally, emotionally. However, all in all I thank God for the refinement process He's taking me through. Gold doesn't become shiny and pure overnight; it undergoes a thorough purification process, whereby all the impurities are shed, resulting in a high value substance that's adorned and admired by many. In the same way, I like to think of our lives as an intricate course, whereby the trials and temptations of this world form part of our fine-tuning process. The actions and decisions we make determine how we turn out ultimately.

On that note, I intend to share my journey with you and hope we will be able to learn from each other. In my subsequent posts, I will zero in on issues and topics that are of great sensitivity and controversy in our society today; particularly in the church. These include: relationships, purposeful living, sexuality, tithing and commercialization of the church, among others. All views are welcome and greatly appreciated.

Do have a blessed week ahead and may the grace of God be upon you.

You can stand tall without standing on someone; you can be a victor without having victims. -Harriet Woods