Friday 14 October 2011

You are beautiful no matter what…

This is dedicated to the girls...
Day in out we wake up, get about our lives, step into the everyday routine of life and eventually get accustomed to it. Sometimes we find ourselves doing so much for other people, being there for everyone, and ensuring that those we love are okay and we do our best to look out for their best interests…it’s pretty noble and commendable and every deserving lady deserves a pat on the back for the role she plays in life.
However, sometimes we get all tangled up in these things, such that we forget to appreciate ourselves, what makes us who we are and ultimately end up lethargic in a dire state of burnout. At this point, the negative voices in our lives start to become louder and real; you don’t see that beautiful girl anymore staring back at you in the mirror; instead, all you see is a face full of zits, a flabby tummy, legs that have stretch marks extending from the north pole to the south, scars that remind you of pain from the past, yet deep down inside, there’s a sleeping beauty waiting to be awakened, to illuminate the world with her presence, beauty and intelligence.
Girls…you’ve got to realize that many times in life, things will not go your way; but you’ve got to leave it all behind. The struggle to survive without losing yourself can be a fight, one that can wear you out and leave you empty and broken. But you’ve got to keep pushing on. Block out the noise, forgive, and most importantly, forgive yourself and the open wounds won’t hurt anymore. It takes strength, inner will and power from within to push you forward and get past the hurt, self-pity and setbacks.
The next time you wake up, look in the mirror and tell the girl staring back at you that she’s beautiful, strong and intelligent…don’t let the mirror lie to you that your acne is what defines you; tell that image in the mirror that you’re a princess, a strongwoman with a stride in her step and the power of healing in her words. Let the imperfections remind you that you are far from perfect; only God is…and that’s the beauty of it all…
When the pain of a broken heart reminds you of your loneliness and bleeding soul, tell that girl in the mirror that you’re going to wait for the wedding ring and God in heaven for sure is writing your love story so don’t fret, don’t let it break you. Don’t wait for a knight in shining “arma(ni)”to come and sweep you off your feet and tell you that you’re beautiful; you might as well turn into a skeleton waiting for that day. Love yourself for who you are, don’t have any apologies about it and those that cannot love you back are foolish to take for granted this amazing gift from God to mankind!!!
Finally, as Deborah Cox puts it, “…don’t let ever let nobody bring you down girl, don’t ever let nobody tear your world apart, look in the mirror and see who you are, beautiful you are…”
So girl, grab that glamorous outfit, wear that sparkling jewelry, kick on those sexy heels and take on the world with a smile on your face and a spring in your step…Because you are beautiful no matter what!!!

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