Thursday 28 February 2013

After Monday, what next?

Forgive my prolonged silence, so much has been's almost overwhelming. But here we are and thank the Lord for that. Of course at the moment, almost every daily, blog and timeline is abuzz with the election fever and speculation as to which candidate will bag the top seat in our beloved motherland Kenya. Likewise, the message of peace has been preached like never before, as no one definitely wants to go back to the dark period in 07-08 where people slaughtered each other mercilessly and clouds of hate and bitterness rent the atmosphere.

The steps and measures which Kenyans have taken this time to emphasize the gospel of peace are quite commendable. Nevertheless, something deeply worries me. The vigor with which we preach peace on social media and the internet is definitely something. But what about the thousands on the ground who barely have anything to eat let alone afford the luxury of the internet? What about those young ones that have been brought up knowing nothing but violence and tribal strife as a way of life? Sure it is hypocritical of me to be saying this 3 days prior to the D-day...but a different perspective can do no harm once in a while. After we go to the polls on March 4th, life will go on. I will continue being a student, and you will keep doing what you do. So, the choice is yours.

Honestly, I've got nothing more to say other than the obvious: Ensure you vote, vote wisely and preach peace. Not just to your virtual friends on cyberspace but with every single person you come across: the Mama Mbogas, the kiosk owners...and every living breathing being. Remember, in God's eyes we are all equal. Some may have positions of influence and power, but at the end of the day, we are just but human beings with red blood flowing in our veins and made by the same Creator.

That said, have a wonderful and peaceful year ahead!

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